The modernisation of Airspace
The Regulatory Process for Airspace Change & Gatwick Airport’s FASI-South Airspace Change Proposal
Route 4
The implementation of Performance Navigation (PRNAV) in 2014 had significant impact to communities living under departure Routes 3 and 4 from Gatwick.
Westerly Departure Route 4 Impacts:
The implementation of PRNAV resulted in the majority of planes flying outside the Noise Preference Route and in a highly concentrated pattern. The Post Implementation Review undertaken by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) confirmed that Gatwick Airport should redesign the route so that aircraft were rerouted back inside the NPR.
The recent history of the complex changes and challenges to Route 4 can be found here:
Review of Route 4 airspace reversal since February 2021
We are monitoring the performance of the new Route 4 carefully but it’s too soon to tell if it’s performing worse than the previous route because numbers of flights are so low.
Route 4 has been moved 1000m north of the centre line of the NPR and is now just 500m from the northern edge of the swathe.
The current status of the Route 4 air space change is detailed here:
If you are interested in following in more detail, information can be found here:
Below you will find links to websites in the public domain which may be of interest:
Submit your feedback
It is important that even with reduced numbers of flights, if you are concerned by flights operating outside of the NPR swathe that this is fed back to Gatwick via their noise complaint service on their website:
Route 3
Easterly Departure Route 3 Impacts:
The concentration of flightpaths as a result of PRNAV on Route 3 has impacted areas south of Reigate, with a northerly shift in the route. Although planes are still within the NPR swathe, in common with Route 4 but unlike any other departure Route from Gatwick Airport, the planes are concentrated on the outer edge of the swathe.
The result is that many residents of Nutfield, Redhill and Reigate are significantly affected by aircraft noise despite living outside the NPR swathe.
We remain concerned about the long term implications of PBN/PRNAV on all flight paths around Gatwick due to the increase in concentration this brings. We are continuing to work with other groups around Gatwick to take seriously the concerns of people living under the flight paths.
Submit your feedback
Plane Wrong are exploring options for dispersal on Route 3. If you are affected by Route 3 over flight, please register your concerns here: