The introduction of Performance Navigation (PRNAV) on departure routes from Gatwick Airport has had a significant impact to residents in areas north of Gatwick Airport. Plane Wrong was set up to represent communities impacted by the introduction of PRNAV on Routes 3 and 4.
About us.
PlaneWrong is a non political group set up by residents in September 2014 to campaign for a reversal of changes to Gatwick Airport Flight Paths as a result of the introduction of more accurate Performance Navigation (PR-NAV).
We are a group of volunteers drawn from the towns and villages that lie to the north of Gatwick Airport.
We are linked to other community groups campaigning on similar issues and are members of GACC https://www.gacc.org.uk/
Our aims are:
to campaign to reduce the impact of noise and emissions on communities in the area north of Gatwick Airport affected by departure routes: R26DVR/BIG/CLN/LAM (Route 4) and R08KENET (Route 3) and any successor routes that may be implemented in future
to campaign against any Gatwick expansion plans that do not include a balancing and verifiable reduction in noise and emissions
to campaign against the environmental impact of Gatwick expansion including road congestion.
to seek to avoid multiple routes affecting the same communities and raise awareness of the combined impact of flights from both Gatwick and Heathrow on local communities: the effects of aircraft noise, frequency and environmental implications
to support the continuation of current NPR swathes and argue for all flights to be contained within these swathes, based on flying the centreline of the NPR.
to ensure that departure flights are dispersed and concentration is avoided as much as possible.